Claims Management

CSMI has prepared and defended over $500 million in construction claims for our clients since 1984. We have acquired our extensive knowledge of claims management by working with construction attorneys and other industry professionals throughout the Western U.S., British Columbia, and Alaska. Our continuing experience keeps us up to date with current legal theory in the claims development and defense, as well as in methods of analysis and proven claims techniques. We are experienced in government, commercial and private contracting procedures and construction practices. Our claims analysis methodology has been tested in the most difficult negotiation and litigation settings and has consistently been proven effective. To supplement our construction claim preparation and management, CSMI offers the client a variety of database management services, including computerized document summary, job cost record accounting and review, as-built/but-for schedules, and information graphics.


Types of Construction Claims Claims Evaluation
Delay and disruption Identify elements of claim
Loss of labor, equipment, and material productivity Formation of proof
A/E professional liability CPM schedule analysis and as-built/but-for allocation
Suspension and termination Productivity studies
Differing site conditions Cause/effect relationships between entitlement and cost
Changes and modifications in the work Document database management and litigation support analysis
Designs deficiencies Claim narrative and quantum evaluation and preparation
Subcontractor relationship Bond Default
Patent and implied obligations of the contract CM/GC
Inspection and quality control Standard practice in contracting and construction management
Construction defects Workers compensation premium classification
Labor standard applications
Bid responsiveness and responsibility
Payment and performance
Debarment and suspension
Constructive change